Monday, June 13, 2011

Perfect Game Sunshine West Showcase

From June 11-12th, I attended the Perfect Game Sunshine West Showcase in Chula Vista, CA. Because of how many great players have gone to and go to this specific showcase, I knew I would be facing some of the beat competition in the western portion of the United States.

As I looked at the roster the night before, I was pumped to see my Saints teammate Eliot Stepanof and former travel ball teammate Evan Cassolato on my team for the showcase. For the first day, I, along with about 150 other potential prospects, showed up bright and early at 7 am at Southwestern College and stretched, threw, and ran the 60 yard dash. Although I did not take part on the outfield and infield skills part, that went on as well.

Our first game was at 10:45 am. Because I was a pitcher only for my high school season, I was a little out of my element when I went up and hit for the first time in a while. But I ended up going 1 for 3 with a high chopper that was perfectly placed. Although I did not appear on the mound the first day, the second day was my turn to throw. I threw for three innings allowing only one hit and striking out four against the 10 batters I faced.

This showcase was a real eye opener to the talent that I am competing against for a college roster spot, and is going to make me work even harder.

My dad took some photos and video from the three innings I pitched.

First inning

Second inning

Third inning