Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Video - Arizona Junior Fall Classic 2010

When I committed to attending the Arizona Junior Fall Classic, there were two things that I wanted to learn:

1) How I would do when put in a situation where I don’t anybody. The team was assembled based on nationwide tryouts, and I was meeting everybody for the first time at the tournament. I was flying alone for the first time, was rooming in a hotel with a teammate I just met, and was living within a five day schedule without any parental support.

2) How I would compete at the tournament level. This event attracts the top teams, and I figured I would be facing some pretty nasty pitching. Also, since I was attending as a pitcher, I was eager to see if my focused training since August would give me the tools to battle against the big bats.

I am happy to report that it all went really well. I survived and thrived, met a bunch of good guys on the team, and was coached by guys with MLB experience (Jimmy Johnson, Josh Muecke, Brice Cutspec). I am eager to continue my training, and look forward to the rest of the fall season.

Here are a few sample videos from the tournament.


