Monday, July 18, 2011

Los Angeles

Last week my dad and I made the trip up to Los Angeles where I had the opportunity to visit with two colleges in Los Angeles.

We drove up Thursday night to beat the traffic and then stayed at my cousin’s house, which is about 15 minutes from my first appointment on Friday morning: Occidental College’s baseball camp.

At the camp, myself and another player named Riley Sissung were the only true pitchers so we worked out together for the majority of the day. The pregame ritual of the starting pitcher at Oxy is to play the PS3 that they have in their clubhouse; Coach Wetmore gave us the full treatment and let us play video games before we both pitched. I pitched three half innings and did very well, striking out 5 and not letting up a hit.

After the camp, all of the upcoming seniors were provided a tour of the campus by one of the senior players at Oxy; we even went to the ‘all you can eat’ dining house where I took full advantage. I really enjoyed playing there ... Oxy really captured my interest.

Later that day, my dad and I drove about a half hour to Claremont McKenna College where we met with Coach Town for ninety minutes at the baseball field. He gave us some insight into the school, the team and the league and then showed us around the facility. This was my second visit to the school, and it is also one I am interested in.

Both Oxy and Claremont McKenna compete in the Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference for Division III schools. All in all, it was a great day and well worth the hours of traffic going home.

Oxy Baseball Field

Oxy Clubhouse - home of the PS3

Claremont McKenna Baseball Field