Sunday, September 26, 2010

Live & Learn

As happy as I was to pitch the complete game last Saturday, I paid the price afterwards. I was fatigued during my pitching lesson on Wednesday, and really struggled during an inning of work yesterday with the Halos. I had a game today with the Warriors, but when I leaned they had enough players, I decided to stay home and rest.

It was a good lesson on how I need to do a better job of balancing the amount of pitches thrown and the recovery time needed. I am still building up my stamina, but I went too far this time, and as a result it took too long to recover.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I feel really lucky to be working with two good teams right now. I usually don’t like doubling up, but fate intervened this time.

The San Diego Warriors are a new team, but the head coach and a lot of the players are people I have been with for a lot of years. The foundation of the team is from Cathedral Catholic High School, but there are players from some other schools too.

The San Diego Halos are also a new team, but its roots are from my school, St. Augustine High School. Everybody on the team is from Saints, which has typically not had an organized program in the fall for their JV/Varsity players. But now we do.

Both teams are playing in the San Diego Travel Baseball League, but for some reason they never play each other. Maybe saving the rivalry for the spring season, and saving me from deciding which team to play for.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Complete game

Played yesterday for the San Diego Warriors at the Santee Sports Complex. We were scheduled for two games, and I got the ball for the opener. All the work this past week paid off as I went the complete seven innings. I am not sure about stats, but I gave up only one earned run in the 3-2 victory.

Felt really good during the game, and am happy with how well my arm feels today. Can't wait to give my pitching coach Justin James the good report. Here are some photos taken by Dana Goulet.

From the wind up.

From the stretch

Monday, September 13, 2010


I got a pretty nice email today:


I wanted to give you a quick heads up that you were named as one of the top 2 underclassmen we saw on August 10th at UCSD. Here is the official notice:{71C8E30D-9C78-407E-BA09-78B9E077D68B}&year=2010&month=8

Congrats! Keep working hard. We look forward to having you out in Arizona next month.


Patrick Wuebben
Player Development
Baseball Factory

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The right way

One of the teams I am playing on, the San Diego Warriors, had their first game today of the fall season. I started the game and pitched the first three innings. While the first inning was perfect, the next two were not. I wasn't sure what to do, and never figured it out until after the game.

That's when a coach from the opposing team, Bill McClurg, gave me some corrections. Coach McClurg was my coach seven years ago at Tecolote Youth Baseball, and it is always nice to see him along the baseball trail. Anyway, his advice made perfect sense, and gave me something to work on this coming week.